Gaedke & Partner Steuerberatung GmbH Elisabethstraße 46 8010 Graz Styria AT
Do you want to specify a timeline for future business years and would like to know the effects of entrepreneurial decisions? Then there’s no getting around the essential foundation of a budgetary planning calculation!
Together we define the strategic and operative goals and depict these in a profit and loss account. In order to also keep an overview of your liquidity, we create the cash flow planning and budgeted balance sheet. When putting together the budget, we take a close look at the product programmes and services, and examine their economic efficiency and potential for savings. In the area of liquidity management, we check payment terms for customers and suppliers, storage and term-congruent financing.
However, performing the budgetary planning calculation is only half the battle – together with you, we carry out regular tests throughout the year in the scope of deviation analyses to see whether the stated objectives are being achieved. This enables you to react rapidly to changing circumstances and to initiate corrective measures in a timely manner.
The actual values are then processed in the cost accounting. We work with you to develop or revise your cost accounting system as the basis for your pricing as well as your investment and personnel decisions. The goal is the seamless interweaving of budgeting, cost accounting, controlling and reporting. In this way, you are supplied with all the data required to make your corporate decisions.
Gaedke & Partner Steuerberatung GmbH Elisabethstraße 46 8010 Graz Styria ATUsing a QR code scanner app on your device, you can scan the image to the left and go straight to this site on our website.